On the Enterprise Video Streaming you can now set up OpenID Connect (OIDC) based single sign-on (SSO), giving your team members access to content (Viewer Authentication) with OIDC authentication.
Setting up OIDC authentication
To configure the security settings of your account, log in to Enterprise Video Streaming and navigate to the Account > Security page on your dashboard, or follow this link: https://www.ustream.tv/dashboard/account/security.
Choose the 'OpenID Connect (SSO)' option in the 'Secure your content with' section.
Enter the following parameters:
- Client ID: it's your unique identifier in your OIDC provider. This parameter ensures that Enterprise Video Streaming only allows users to access content, who are associated with your organization.
- Client Secret: your OIDC provider gives you this secret. This parameter allows your provider to check that you have given access Enterprise Video Streaming to query users.
- Discovery URL: Enterprise Video Streaming can access your OIDC provider on this URL. It's always ends with '/.well-known/openid-configuration', so, please, make sure you set it accordingly.
Click the Save button on the bottom of the page to finish.