Enabling the registration gate allows you to collect limited viewer data. The available options are: Name, Email, Phone, Company, Job Title, Country, Postal code, State, City, Address, Industry, and Company size. 

Once the gate is enabled, it will be the first thing a viewer sees when reaching your channel page. By default, viewers must register in order to get access to the channel page. You can however allow skipping the registration gate as needed. 


Note: You are required to set a link to your Privacy Policy before you are allowed to enable the registration gate. You will see the option at the very top of the registration setup page. It is highlighted and can't be missed.  


To enable the Registration gate:

1. Go to your dashboard overview page. 

2. Select your channel from the drop down menu. 

3. Scroll down and click on Registration Gate. 

Note: You can also click the Channel drop down menu from your left side bar and scroll down to see the registration gate option hidden in the menu. 






4. You will now see the Registration gate page. 

5. Click on "edit settings" to customize your registration gate. 




6. After clicking on "edit settings" you will be able to customize the Title of the gate, the fields to be displayed and your thank you message. Notice the highlighted box stating a privacy policy is required. You need to do this first before you are allowed to save your gate settings and before you can turn on the gate it self. You can do this first or last if you wish. 





7. If you have already provided your privacy policy, you can click save after your settings are completed. 

8. Now click on "back to registration gate overview" where you will be able to turn on the gate. 


9. Click "Turn on" to enable the registration gate. 



 If you have not linked a privacy policy yet...Click on "set a link to your privacy policy" located in the yellow highlighter box at the top of the first setup page. 


 Here you will need to add a url that links to your Privacy Policy. You are required to provide your own external privacy policy. There are many online guides that can help you with this. Once you have your policy url, add it to the field and click save. 


 After saving your privacy policy url, click "back to channel page settings" and once again click on "registration gate" as shown in the above steps.  Now that your privacy policy is linked, you can go ahead and turn on the registration gate as shown in the previous steps. 


 All information collected from the registration gate will appear in the leads page. Click on "view leads" from the main registration gate settings page. See below. 


You will be able to filter by date range and download your leads from this page. 









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