You can use your Elemental Live encoder to stream to your IBM Video Streaming channels via the Adobe Flash RTMP output group. These encoders are great for their reliability and for the ability to send multiple streams to different locations from the same encoder.
Obtaining the RTMP Address and stream name for your channel
- Log in to your IBM Video Streaming account, or create a new one if you don't have an account yet.
Once you are logged in you will land on your dashboard overview page. Click on "Broadcast settings".
Once you are in the broadcast settings page, click on "Edit settings" next to the the Encoder Settings section.
From the Encoder Settings page you can now see the rtmp url and channel keys that belong to the channel. Note: Each channel has its own unique set of keys. Simply select a different channel and follow the same steps.
- Keep this page open and proceed to the next step. You will need this information shortly.
Sending a Single Stream to IBM Video Streaming from an Elemental Live Encoder
- Login to your Elemental by entering its IP address in a web browser.
Create a New Event under the Event Control Tab.
Select the Input as HD SDI or File Input. For this demo I will use a file input. For testing the Loop Source option is helpful as it will make it so the encoder always has content to encode.
- Select the Output Group Adobe RTMP
- Under New Output select any of the H.264 HD / SD Presets in the Web (Flash/Silverlight) Section and then select Add Output.
- Go to the tab you opened above with Encoder Settings for your Channel page on
- Under Output Enter your RTMP URL in the RTMP Endpoint field in the Elemental.
- Enter the Stream Key in the Stream Name field in the Elemental.
- Under the Advanced tab you can adjust the detailed encoding presets.
- It is important to change the GOP Size, also known as the Key Frame Interval. Since we are streaming at 30 FPS we want 60 Frames for a 2 second Key Frame Interval. Also pay attention to where to change the Bitrate and notice how it is listed in bits per second.
- Click Start to start the encoding. The preview will display the output from the Elemental. You can now watch the broadcast on the IBM Video Streaming channel page or embed.
Sending Multiple Quality Streams to the Same Channel
The Elemental is capable of sending multiple quality streams to a single channel. This is done with the following procedure using a single Elemental Event.
- Use one output per stream quality you want displayed in the IBM Video Streaming Player (up to 4).
- The RTMP Endpoint is the same for each output because all the streams are going to the same channel.
- On the end of the Stream Name put a 1 on the end of the highest quality stream, 2 on the end of the next highest quality stream up to 4. Make sure to put the number just after the Stream Key and do not add spaces.
- Make a stream for each quality with the highest frame size as stream 1, next highest stream 2 etc.
Match the Stream numbers to the corresponding Output numbers to make sure the labels in the IBM Video Streaming label are matched correctly:
Output # | Stream Key # | Stream # | Resolution | Video Bitrate | Audio Bitrate | Level | Label in IBM Player |
Output 1 | StreamKey1 | Stream 1 | 1280x720 | 3000k | 128 | Main | Best |
Output 2 | StreamKey2 | Stream 2 | 960x540 | 1500k | 96k | Main | High |
Output 3 | StreamKey3 | Stream 3 | 640x360 | 800k | 96k | Main | Med |
Output 4 | StreamKey4 | Stream 4 | 480x270 | 400k | 64k | Baseline | Low |
4 Outputs

4 Streams

Showing Matching Outputs, Streams, Frame Sizes and Bitrates