Setting your videos to play as Off-air content

This guide will show you how to set one or multiple videos as Off-air content. Off-air content is what a viewer will see if they visit your channel while you are not live streaming. 

Note: Only published videos can be used as Off-air content. 


Log into your account and look for the Off-air section in your dashboard overview page. Click "Off Air".Off_air_content_dashboard.png 


Select "Play your videos".  You will be able to choose "Play your last recorded video" or "Play through selected videos". The second option is what you would use if you want to create an off air playlist with more than one video. If you choose "Play last recorded video," only the most recent published video will play back. play_your_videos_selected_videos.png


If you only want to play the most recent published video, select "Play your last recorded video" and click save. You are done! Your last recorded video will now play as your off-air content. 


If you want to build an off air playlist, choose "Play through selected videos"off_air_selected_videos.png

Click "Edit selected videos" to load the play list builder. 

Here you can see two sections: on the left the playlist of selected videos and on the right all your published videos that can be picked to be added to the off-air playlist. Double click on a video will add it to the off-air playlist. (Videos that are already added to the off-air playlist will show up greyed out on the right) 


In the list of selected videos you can rearrange the videos by dragging and dropping them in the right place:

   Once you’ve added the videos you want to play off-air, you might have also rearranged these videos, hit Save. A green notification bar will let you know that save has been successful.
Now when viewers of this channel open the channel page when it is off-air, these videos will be played in the specified order.

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