Create a new ECDN server

You can start creating a new ECDN server by clicking the Add new server button on the list of servers. It will display the page with the configuration steps.

Step 1 – Set location

Setting the Location of the edge, will assign the external IPs and prefixes that belong to the selected location.

Step 2 – Set domain name

Start setting the unique domain name of your edge server by selecting the naming method.

The "Custom hostname" option will offer you a randomly generated hostname. You can edit it here if you wish to apply your own naming conventions.

For example, if you enter yourcity-01 as your hostname, the fully qualified domain name of your machine will be:, where “company-name” is a unique string for your organization.

The "Fully qualified domain name" option will let you choose the hostname along with the domain name.

For example:

Step 3 – Enter configuration values

At first, select the IP address configuration method (manual or DHCP).

If you have selected the “Static (manual)!” configuration method, enter the required data:

  • The local IP address of the edge. (1)
  • The DNS mask (netmask) of the edge. (2)
  • The private gateway address of the edge. (3)

Note: Local IP, Netmask and Gateway can only be set for the manual IP address configuration method.

List your domain name servers (optional for DHCP). (4)

Note: If not specified, the default domain name server configured in the OS will be used.

Add your own NTP servers (optional). (5)

Note: NTP time servers are used for validating certificates and encrypted content. If not specified, the default NTP server configured in the OS will be used. Make sure the clock on the server is always accurate.

You can enable Log forwarding by selecting the protocol and entering the server address. (6)

Note: Any log collection system that supports syslog-style log streams is supported.

You can enable SNMP polling, by entering the v2c community string. (7)

When Remote assistance is enabled, the edge server establishes a secure VPN connection to ECDN backend service endpoint, and enables the ECDN support team to remotely log in to the edge server instance and help with troubleshooting. (8)

Step 4 – Download the virtual CD and the VM image

The virtual CD image includes the configuration file for deployment. This image will be generated in the final step, then you can download it (along with the VM image for the selected server type).

Select the format for your server type.

Click Generate to create the virtual CD with the configuration file.

Click Download virtual CD (1), then follow the instructions appearing on your screen to install the virtual machine. You can also download the latest version of the VM image here. (2)

Change configuration of an edge server

To change the configuration of an existing edge server, open the detailed view of the server, and click the Change configuration link.

This will open the page where (similarly to creating a new edge server) you can change the configuration in 4 steps.

When completing the setup, your default (and recommended) option is to update remotely (1). You can review the highlighted pending changes on the right column on this page (2).

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